Why EARLY OUT programs work!
Early-Out Programs are very flexible. You have the ability to make changes quickly to free-up key employees to concentrate on more important areas of your business, and increase cash flow, while simultaneously reducing overhead.
Timely and efficient collection action is the key to keeping receivables in check and avoiding the unnecessary aging of accounts. Too often, receivables are left sitting, waiting to be called and followed up on, because the in-house staff is over burdened or inexperienced. This is the worst situation possible since receivables become more uncollectible in proportion to their age.
An Early-Out Program will resolve a group of accounts much faster and more efficiently than in-house staff. Payment plans can be customized to your specifications. Patients with serious financial situations can be handled on an individual basis and temporary plans can be arranged until their situation improves, thus keeping the account from moving into a collection status and causing the patient more financial stress.
Patients are given payment coupon booklets for convenience and are able to set up automatic and recurring payments with us by using a credit card or electronic check.
By implementing our early out program, fewer accounts go to collections which yield measurable returns as early in the collection process as possible.